11/04/2022: It’s from drawings like these that I make my paintings. I have a new canvas all stretched up and ready. I go through my sketch books to find the next one I’m inclined to take to the next stage. In the end I didn’t choose one of these - I may do next time. You’ll have to wait until the painting is finished to see what I chose!
West Charleton Bird Sanctuary, South Devon
Drawing using coloured charcoal pencils.
Looking down on The Exe at Westermill Farm
Drawing using oil pastels
Lucott Cross
Drawing using coloured pen and charcoal pencil
Isabey Traceur brush:
“I use this brush, a traceur, made by Isabey. They come in sizes 7 & 9 - I recommend size 9. You would need to know the series number when ordering, which is 6701and they can be bought online from Great Art.”
Bridge at Walla Brook (with pony).
“One very important part of the process with watercolour painting is to leave the lightest places white from the beginning and make sure that they remain white by the end. All the lightest places in a watercolour are un-painted.”

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